The Night of Karaoke is one of my favorite nights during my trip to NZ. After successfully making the hangi and completing the service for my Grandparents we wanted to reward ourselves and the whanau with something, a little thank you for all the hard work that everyone put in and the effort that it took to make this happen. At first we had no idea what we could do besides play cards but my Aunty Charlene suggested karaoke everybody loved the idea but the hard part was to start it up and unfortunately I was the first to sing. I Jayson Henare Deba Christie can not sing to save my life, I went on the stage with sweat and fear but I tried to cover it up by acting confident and started singing, but slowly I came to realise that everyone just wants to have fun no matter how good of a singer you are. I couldn’t sing but I did my best and kept going at it, and it was more enjoyable with everyone. We all laughed, sang, drank the night away I got to spend quality time with my family from NZ and get closer with them. A night where we all had fun and enjoyed each others company.